Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Improve Your Swing

Several key physical characteristics are important to have an efficient and repeatable golf swing. Golfers must be able to maintain consistent spine and joint angles from their set up position through impact.  Most golfers are aware that a lack of spinal mobility, or shoulder or hip tightness, can have an adverse effect on their golf swing, but many don't realize the importance of "core stability".  The core musculature refers to important stabilizing muscles around the thorax, lower back, and abdomen, as well as the gluteals.  Our injured golfers often demonstrate adequate flexibility, but perform poorly on basic golf fitness and strength tests because of core weakness. To maintain proper alignment throughout the golf swing, the upper body must be able to rotate around a stable base.  Once we train a golfer to engage their abdominals and gluteal muscles, they often report a dramatic improvement in their swing.  A Golf Fitness Screen can quickly detect if you have any of these deficits, and with the right exercises you can take immediate steps to improve your game.

Make a comment on this blog to win a one on one Golf Fitness Screening with Dave Ochsendorf, a TPI Certified Golf Fitness Instructor!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Working up to Run a 5K

I have been training to run a 5K. My husband was a college athlete and has started to run with me. As I huff and puff he runs cool and breezy, barely breathing. I am at least two steps behind him the whole way and my irritation grows as he has a casual conversation about his day. I can only gasp short "yes" or "no" answers.
Yesterday I had a great day. Yesterday I was so happy I had my husband with me. Finally I was able to run a 5K distance without stopping. With my husband Bryan pacing me and keeping me moving forward I had someone there at the end to say, "good job" and give me a hug.
Some stretches that Dave and Kristy have given to me that have really helped with any aches and pains I was having are below:

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

SKPT Halloween Celebration

Dave Ochsendorf as Captain Hook
We had a Happy Halloween here at              Siesta Key Physical Therapy!
Little princesses, ghosts, goblins, kittens and even Scooby Doo (and dad as Shaggy) came by. We had about 200 trick or treaters and went to get candy twice! The kids were so adorable and all looked fabulous.
One of our favorite patients, Bobbie Donlon came by to welcome the kids and see the costumes.
We had a great time meeting the families and even had a special treat for the parents- a drawing for a free 830Laser Treatment!
The March Hare from Alice and Wonderland and dad stopped by to hand out goodie bags and candy to the kids. Being on Siesta Key and participating in the annual Safe Treats makes us thankful to be a part of such a unique and diverse community!   

Our big winner of the FREE 830Laser Treatment goes to....................... 
Leanne Platfoot!
Congratulations Leanne and thank you for coming out Halloween and helping us celebrate!

Maezie, Traci (adiminstrative assistant)
and Bryan Kegerreis

Kristy and Dave Ochsendorf
owners of Siesta Key Physical Therapy
with baby Jessie
We would also like to thank all of the families that came out to Siesta Key to celebrate a safe Halloween and stopped in Siesta Key Physical Therapy to see us and share their wonderful costumes.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Bill's Beer Run
I have never been a big runner, maybe in college when nothing got sore and I had endless amounts of energy. Since I am working at Siesta Key Physical Therapy I thought maybe it would be a good idea to get off the couch and try to run in a race. Dave and Kristy participate in many races and they seem to have a great time. Sunday morning I decided to go out to Bill's Beer Run  and realized that I have been missing out on all of the fun! I now see how exercising whether its running, taking a class or walking in the evening with your dog can be good for your social life as well as your health.
I have not been to a race here in Sarasota and on Sunday I realized how many people participate in these awesome events. Bill's Beer Run, a 5K race also had a 1 mile fun run, but either way everyone was having fun. Families were dressed up in their Halloween garb, music was playing and the coffee (and then beer) was flowing. I had fun and I was just there to take some photos and cheer Dave and Kristy on!
Dave, Kristy and Jessie
 I have started training for a 5K run with the help of Dave and Kristy. Siesta Key Physical Therapy will be participating in the Sandy Claus Beach Run in December. I plan on being in better shape, able to RUN the whole race and I will proudly be sporting a Santa hat ready for a fun day. For a weekly update on my progress visit us on our Facebook page. See you at the races!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

“Injury Prevention”

By Dave Ochsendorf, MPT and Kristy Ochsendorf, DPT

Tips to Prevent and Manage Knee Pain

Pain in the front of the knee is very common in runners.  A frequent finding when evaluating this condition is tightness in the quadriceps muscle group.  The quadriceps is made up of 4 muscles on the front of the thigh, which join into one common tendon and attach to the knee cap (patella).  When this muscle is excessively tight it creates increased tension in the tissues above or below, or on either side of your patella.  Additionally, it increases compressive forces on the back of the patella every time your knee bends which can lead to discomfort or “grinding” (crepitus) with activities such as stair-climbing or rising from sitting.  Prolonged compressive forces could potentially contribute to early arthritis, or increase pre-existing arthritis pain.  Normal quadriceps flexibility for a runner would be illustrated by the ability to easily pull your heel up to your buttock with your hand on the same side (see figure below).  Two common quadriceps stretches are pictured below and should be performed before and after your runs, three times each, for a duration of 30 seconds each time.  Performing these stretches throughout the day provides additional benefit. 

Excessive tightness in the calf or hamstring muscles can make it difficult to fully straighten the knee when running, which also creates more pressure on the patella.  Effective stretches for these muscles are pictured below. 

Other common causes of pain in the knee with running include weakness in the quadriceps or hip musculature, tightness in the hip joint or musculature, misalignment of the hips and/or knees, or abnormal foot and ankle biomechanics such as excessive pronation.  These issues can be a little more complex and may require a thorough evaluation and exercise prescription by a qualified medical professional.  Supplemental strengthening for the knees and hips will be covered in next month’s column which addresses prevention of hip pain.

Just remember, consistent quadriceps stretching can be extremely beneficial in treating or preventing knee pain to keep you running later in life! 


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Do You Experience Back Pain?

Here are some helpful hints:

Use ICE or a cold pack on the painful area when symptoms frist occur to manage inflamation. HEAT can be used for muscle spasms and stiffness after the first few days.
Practice good Body Mechanics: Avoid bending, twisting, and lifting.
Relative Rest/Activity Modification: Continue your normal activities as you are able to without pain.
Exercises to reduce low back pain are not complicated and can be done at home with a program designed by a physical therapist for your specific needs.
Consult with your physician or physical therapist if symptoms persist.

Summer Senior Exercise Classes

Free Senior Exercise Class

Our Free Senior Exercise Classes began on June 2nd and has been an amazing experience! We have held them every Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m. and the response has been TREMENDOUS.
The class has grown so much in size that we have had to purchase more equipment to accommodate all of the participants.
The focus has been on improving flexibility, posture and strength.

Siesta Key Physical Therapy has enjoyed welcoming people who have just recently moved to the area and are looking for an outlet to meet people as well as get into shape!
Dave instructing the group on stretching techniques they
can do at work or at home.