Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Improve Your Swing

Several key physical characteristics are important to have an efficient and repeatable golf swing. Golfers must be able to maintain consistent spine and joint angles from their set up position through impact.  Most golfers are aware that a lack of spinal mobility, or shoulder or hip tightness, can have an adverse effect on their golf swing, but many don't realize the importance of "core stability".  The core musculature refers to important stabilizing muscles around the thorax, lower back, and abdomen, as well as the gluteals.  Our injured golfers often demonstrate adequate flexibility, but perform poorly on basic golf fitness and strength tests because of core weakness. To maintain proper alignment throughout the golf swing, the upper body must be able to rotate around a stable base.  Once we train a golfer to engage their abdominals and gluteal muscles, they often report a dramatic improvement in their swing.  A Golf Fitness Screen can quickly detect if you have any of these deficits, and with the right exercises you can take immediate steps to improve your game.

Make a comment on this blog to win a one on one Golf Fitness Screening with Dave Ochsendorf, a TPI Certified Golf Fitness Instructor!

1 comment:

  1. So true! Most people don't realize how important the core is in almost all activities, golf included. Great article Dave!

